
Can I possibly contest my traffic ticket for " Failure to stop at red light"?

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I received a traffic tickets saying " Failure to stop at the red light". I didn't noticed that until I received this ticket.

I rembered it was still yellow light when i pass the transaction. I checked the photo and it shows that I entered the intersection when Red light is 0.26 seconds and finished crossing when RED is 1.20 seconds.

I guess the light turned to red just after i check the light and that's why i don't know i violate the rule at that time.

Do you think i can use this reason or saying that it's too late for to stop cause the red light is only 0.26 seconds to contest my traffic tickets or at least get lower fine?

Thanks first la~




  1. No, you had adequate time to stop, whilst the light was yellow, So why didn't you stop?

    Pay the fine and think about your actions next time!

  2. Nope.  You were suppose to be getting ready to stop on the yellow, not race it.  That it took you less than a second to cross the intersection is totally irrelevant. You entered on a red and left on a red.

  3. possibly. though you're not supposed to enter the intersection when the light's yellow

  4.   Your guilty.

  5. Very unlikely. The amber lights are designed in such a way that when they turn amber, if you've missed a reasonable braking point, then they'll still be amber when you go through, but if you still have time to brake, then they'll go red. They're quite lenient though, so you tend to have a second or two more than you really need, and you're not expected to do an emergency stop. So, in short, only a very, very lenient magistrate will give you the benefit of the doubt.

    If you do decide to contest it, try not to say "I didn't notice the light", because that's incriminating yourself for a more serious offence, namely driving without due care and attention.

  6. You can definitely contest this ticket. You are allowed to pass as long as you are pass the transaction before it turns red. If you have evidence that you passed that line before the light turned red, then you will beat the ticket.

    You will probably have a better chance using my excuse.

  7. After reading all the answers so far, I say you just get a car with a bigger motor.  Apparently, you're car can't get out of its own way...

    Seriously, if it was a stop by an officer then you might have a chance to tell them it would have been dangerous to stop, and he/she would be able to make that judgment - This was a camera so you can't talk it out and it's a photo not a video.

    Going to court may have them knock the price of the ticket down a bit if you're polite; you'll still pay something.

  8. you can contest it.  you may get the fine or charge reduced or thrown out if the officer doesn't show, but you did run the light.

    actaully though the law varies state to state.  when i took traffic safety in AZ if any part of the car entered the intersection before the light went red you were legal.

    in PA if you are half way through the intersection when the light goes red you are legal.  

    but when i lived in NC if any part of the car was still in the intersection when the light went red you had run the light.

  9. Its worth a try but the way that I understand the rules of the road is that you never assume anything and you should start to slow down and since it was already yellow you technically ran it...

  10. You can try, but I highly doubt it will do you any good.  You ran the red light.  They have solid proof.  It doesn't matter if what you remember is the light being yellow.  If the light turns red before you clear the intersection, you ran the light.  According to your question, the light had been red for over a second by the time you cleared the intersection.  You are clearly guilty.  Just pay the ticket and start paying more attention to your driving before you run another red light and hurt somebody.  Sheesh, I sure hope you don't live in my town.

  11. Most of your defense will depend on what the speed limit is for the street you were on and how fast you were going at the time of the incident. A yellow light on a street with a 35 mph limit is shorter than one in a 45 or 55 mph zone. If you think that you could not have stopped safely before the intersection, you'll need to show evidence to that affect.

    All the best.

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