
Can I press charges for someone accessing my cell account?

by  |  earlier

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I have a business cell phone account with multiple phones on it. I called in and had one of the phone's service suspended. The person who has the phone called the cell phone company and persuaded them to turn their phone back on. I am the sole account owner. Can I press charges against the person that had it turned back on? Can I sue the person? Can I sue AT&T? The incident has cost me a-lot. If I have proof, do they HAVE to prosecute?




  1. im not a lawyer but ive had a similar prob. i didnt press charges we setteld it out side of the "law" lol but yes u should be able to i believe under false identifaction because the cell phone company didnt have ur id or permision so i dont know if u would sue the specific person or the actual company  or both but either way my anwser would be yes

    hope this helps:)

  2. Not sure how it cost you money.  How much did you lose.  I think this will have to be civil.  But hey, talk to the police.  

  3. "i" Do NOT press charges, you're reffering to getting them in trouble with the LAW, rather than (probably what you meant to say) Civil suits. (You know, those shows that are hosted by Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, etc etc) You COULD probably sue for this issue IF it had cost you any source of U.S currency, (i.e money)   Good luck.

    By the way- Personally I do not think that you should file for a civil suit against this person. Yes they were stupid by doing that, however, If i were you i would THREATEN to sue, and if that stops your issue, than don't sue. If it does not work, then its your call.

    good luck my friend.  

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