
Can I press charges on someone for harassing me through email?

by  |  earlier

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I have told a guy friend not to email me anymore and he proceeds to do so. They are not violent in any sort of way I just feel a little stalked . Thanks,




  1. yes

  2. If he's sending you messages that are threatening you or harassing you, for example saying he's going to kill you or something, then yes you can press charges against him. If he's just being an annoying pain in the @$$, then maybe you can block his email address or make all the emails you get from him go to your spam folder, or you could maybe get a new email address as a last resort. If you feel stalked, you might want to get the law involved, with some sort of restraining order or just tell the cops--a visit from the cops should make him stop ;-)

  3. No. That's why God made junk-mail folders.

  4. I would change your email.

  5. It depends on where you live. In a few places, cyberbullying is illegal, but not in most. If you happen to live where it is illegal, then press charges against the username.

  6. You want to waste law enforcement resources rather than block his e-mail?  


  7. Depending on the State you are living in, you can file a report.

    Those of you who say change your email or junk filter it, wrong....

    Explain to him to stop or you'll file a report. Do you have a school Resource Police Officer? Talk with them if you do. The worst thing to do is ignore the situation.

  8. you can!

  9. you can definedly press charges..if he is making you feel uncomfortable and you have the evidence then you have a case

  10. You can block anybody from sending you emails.  Just go to the options section of your yahoo and put the unwanted senders email address on the blocked list.

  11. I'm sure in your email options somewhere you can click block addresses and type his email in. I just went to options then it says like.....block addresses in which you don't want to recieve mail.

    It sounds like a creepy situation to me. And he won't stop emailing you..the chances are he won't stop. So try the options thing.

  12. Yes..copy all emails..make police reports and file harassment charges if the police beleive that you should

  13. Stop answering.

    But don't press charges if you don't feel like your in any type of danger.

    You can't press charges if someone is annoying.

    Mine please?;...

  14. You don't need to open the e mail~

  15. Block all his email addresses. Next send his email to a shopping company, requesting that all stores and service providers send him information about their product and services, including all their high quality partners, and all the free newsletters they support.

  16. I have this problem too, it is creepy, just change your e-mail?

  17. Just add the email address to your block list, problem solved.

  18. hi

    in the age of technology and myspace bullying i think they have or are soon going to put laws out about "cyberbullying" or harassment as they call it, so i would talk to a lawyer or someone in law about that, you shouldnt have to put up with that,

    i wish you good luck

    take care :)

  19. why'd you give him your email address in the first place, just block him

  20. Unless he has said anything threatning i dont think you can press charges. If you use yahoo email you can block certain email addresses from emailing you.  

  21. Change your e-mail?

  22. yes u could u should block  him and as long as u have proof of u telling him to leave u alon then yes u can but not really u would have too get restraining order and when e-mails u then  u can call the police and then he will either get arrested or they will press charges on him.

  23. bring it up to the authorities and they can help you out if you feel you could be in a potentialy dangerouse situation, and if you told him to stop .

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