
Can I press charges?

by  |  earlier

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Recently, my manager pushed me at work and I told corporate. It been two weeks now, and I haven't seen any results at far as her being suspended or terminated. She is still working at the store I'm at, but at times when I'm not on the schedule. Should I wait til I know something before I can press charges? If they have proof of her pushing me (it on camera), will they fire her? What is the consequences of WorkPlace Violence? Is it too late to press charges? If not, can I still do it if I feel like I wasn't given just justice?




  1. Are you a guy? If you were born a male, then you are a wuss! this manager you refer to as SHE, pushed you and you went whining to corporate? A girl pushed you and you want this person fired? My question is why did you conspicuously leave out the reason she pushed you? Did you provoke her? You honestly want to take away this persons ability to make a living just because SHE pushed you? Sounds to me like something HAS been done about it. SHE (lmmfaoooo) has been rescheduled around you so that you two aren't working together anymore. Problem solved. She can't push you any more. You know the first sign of attraction is bickering and arguing. Why don't you make her a mixed tape you panzy!! How embarrassing for you!! You got on a world wide forum and basically told the whole world that you got beat up by a girl and even worse you went crying over her head to corporate to fight your battles for you. You're pathetic! But that's just my opinion. Oh no, i just realized... you might try to have me fired because you don't like what I have typed. I am positive you'll go crying to yahoo by reporting me. Whaaaaaaaa whaa whaaaaaa whaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

  2. You should definitely follow up with corporate (although, of course, the right thing would have been for THEM to follow up with YOU.)  If they say that they're still looking into it, or if they're not going to do anything about it, use scare tactics.  Make sure they know that if they do not do anything, you're going to draw a LOT of negative attention to their company and the way it's run.

    Often times this is enough to get them to take action as they'd rather lose 1 manager over 1,000 customers.

    I'm not amazing with legal procedures, but if my advice doesn't work, then you should definitely follow the other answerers' suggestions of pressing charges.

  3. Yes, you can definitely charge her. Call the police. It is not too late. If this occured in the workplace, there is a good chance it is on tape. The police can get a court order to get the tape. Don't wait around for them to fire her. After you get a criminal conviction, it will be much easier to get her fired.

    Pushing someone is considered to be assault and battery. Sounds like your workplace is trying to shove it under the ruge. Call the police.

  4. if you have evidence, press charges.

    for harassment in the workplace or something.

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