
Can I prevent tooth decay from an early stage?

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I went to the dentist for a checkup recently and he noticed white marks on some of my teeth. He told me that it was an early sign of tooth decay. He told me to brush alot and that i might need fillings. I dont drink fizzy drinks or water, just milk and fruit juice. I really dont want fillings in my front teeth, as my teeth are always complimented and i think it would ruin them!

is there any way i can stop the teeth, or at least some of them from decaying further? please help!




  1. I think part of the problem might be the milk and juice. Juice is a know tooth destroyer of babies and young children. Milk if you drink a lot of it could cause you to have too much calcium which can also destroy your teeth.  I would try to start drinking plain water for the most part and like he said brush a lot. You might also try to rinse at night with listerine, it tastes nasty but is very good at killing germs. Good Luck.


  2. yeah you can stop tiny cavities with good hygiene and avoiding sugar/snacking. it's not about how much sugar you eat, it's how often. so avoid fruit juice and eat the whole fruit. milk does have sugar but it's got calcium so have it, but at mealtimes.

    but white spots sound like mild fluorosis, not decay. decay looks blackish.

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