
Can I pump at my desk if I want to?

by  |  earlier

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Yesterday, while at work I received an email fron my supervisor saying that the trainer in our deptarment has heard grumbles about me pumping milk at my desk. Per her email (the trainer, not my supervisor) this is unacceptable behavior in a business office. But here is my problem, 1. I work in a office with semi private cubicals 2. Everyone in my immediate area knows that I pump and is okay with it (and not just saying it) 3. I work in a call center so essentially time away from the phone affects our service. 4. they have wellness rooms but it is a glorified closet with a chair 5. most people were unaware I pump, and the trainer only recently found out because she tried to sit a new hire with me to train and I offered a warning that I pump, just incase someone did have a problem. My question is this, should I be allowed to pump at my desk, even if they offer wellness rooms. None of my other supervisors have a problem, but the one that does has threated human resources.




  1. No, why can't you just do it at home or in private.  Why do you even want to do it at your desk. Yes, it is necessary but you don't have to subject everyone around you to it.

  2. #5 triggered a response with me...I think this is probably what caused the problem.

    You should have offered to go to the wellness room while you were training a new hire.  Otherwise, that is like putting an ultimatum on how and when you will train others to do the job.  It likely would've caused embarrassment for a new hire, even if they didn't have a real problem with it.

  3. You absolutely have the right to pump at your desk. All states have legislation to allow you to breastfeed without fear of retribution, this includes pumping. To not allow you to do this is a violation of civil rights and can puts your company in jeopardy of that violation. See the link below! Good luck!

  4. You will always find someone that doesn't like what you are doing, so I would just use the wellness center to avoid all the drama.

  5. I have no problem with breastfeeding moms anywhere.  It is the most natural thing in the world.  But pumping is not.  This is a private thing and should not be done in front of other people.  Either go to your wellness room, or be at home with the baby that needs you.

  6. That's gross. Not the breastfeeding part or even the pumping part. I breastfed my 2nd daughter but I was at home for 3 months before I came back to work. Upon my return to work I began using formula for the daytime and breastfed only at night and on weekends. I was initally worried about nipple confusion but my baby handled it like a champ! I pumped during the day while I was at work BUT I spoke with my sipervisor ( who was a man by the way) and he let me use our breakroom and I put a sign on the door letting people know what I was doing. People respected my privacy during that time and I know that they appreciated the respect I showed them. Several of them said so.

    Yes, it is a natural thing and should not be hidden but remember that work is just It is a business and you should treat it and your co-workes with more respect than you are showing. AND if I was sitting in the cube next to you, I would have a problem with the noise. Pumps are not that quiet and I wouldn't want to work listening to that.

    Go in the Wellness Room. Who cares if it's a glorified closet. You don't need much space. Be more respectful of your co workers and your job.

  7. you should not be allowed to pump if someone or the company says its not acceptable.  Someone obviously is uncomfortable with it.  I would suggest you ask them where would be an appropriate place to pump that would not cause a problem.  Showing that you are a team player will show you value your job and the place you work.  They might find an empty private office for you.

    Causing a problem will just make it worse.

  8. It is discrimination to not allow you to pump at your desk. If time away from your desk affects your performance, then your bosses should not have a problem with you doing it. I agree that when training someone, you should go to the "wellness" room but if you are by yourself in your cubicle, then there shouldn't be any issues. Tell that supervisor to tell human resources, because if they do anything about it, they will have a huge discrimination case on their hands.  (I'm pretty sure la leche league would help assist your case)

  9. Well, you have the right to pump in privacy.  So, maybe put a sign on your cubicle when you are pumping or use the wellness room if it makes others uncomfortable.  Take a sceduled break to pump... I would speak to this person directly it seems like he/she is getting "bad" information from other people.  You deserve to have privacy and not feel badly about pumping... You can also get a cover/smock to cover yourself if you need to... It shouldn't be that big a deal....

  10. I bet if you had "good" b***s and a good highlight job to boot, then you would be an "A" ok and welcome distraction. Its just that no one much likes to think about liquid coming from your body while you talk to them, its just kind of strange.

  11. I think you should go the wellness room if they are offering it.  I think if they have the respect to offer you a place to pump, you should return that respect by using it.  Pumping is very private and I can't imagine doing it where people could potentially see me.

    If you were nursing a baby, that would be a different story- but pumping is a bit more complicated.

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