
Can I put E85 into my 1999 Dodge Ram Pickup truck?

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my manual says : some fuel suppliers blens unleaded gas with oxygenats such as 10% ethanol,MTBE, and ETBE. Oxygenates are required in some areas during winter months to reduce carbon monoxide emissions. Fuels blended with these oxygenates may be used in your vehical. dose that mean i can use E85




  1. Even if you could, you shouldn't. I have used E85 in several vehicles, and at first it seems that you get better gas mileage, but after a few fillups, you realize that you are not getting anywhere near the mileage you should be. It seems that the E85 burns faster than regular unleaded. This ethanol also seemed to do damage to my engine. By my fourth fill-up, I was using twice as much gas, and my engine started ticking.

  2. No..  E85 means 85 %, you can only use 10%  

       It takes a special engine and computer program to run that stuff..

  3. no ,not unless it says that it will run on it,all vehicles will run on a 10% mix of it, now days most gas you buy has this much in it but unless your vehicle is labeled to run e-85 you cant use it,it will mess the injectors up in it,i wouldn't try it unless i could confirm that it is meant to run on it,it should say it on the gas cap if its meant to run on it ,good luck.

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