
Can I put a hatchling leo gecko in with a one month old leo gecko??

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I have a one month old leo gecko living in a glass terrarium and one of the eggs that I have been incubating has pipped. I can see the head of the baby gecko. Point is I dont have any more heat mats or hides so can I put the hatchling in with the one month old gecko?

There isnt much of a size difference.




  1. ya i would be ok but watch the younger leo gecko and his behaviorour so that the loepard gecko doesnt bully there younger one by taking his food are sleeping in his terrirory also make sure that the not male because they will fight to the death.

    forgot to tell if the older one bulleys the younger one it well become stress then eventrully die.

  2. As long as they are around the same size IF it's an emergency. Watch them and remove the baby asap (whenever you can afford a new heat pad and sweater box). If there is any sign of aggression remove one!!  

  3. Nope. Leopard geckos are naturally solitary animals and they should only be kept together temporarily for breeding purposes.

  4. Keep your one month old well fed.

  5. I have  2  11yr  Leo's that were bought as tiny babies 1 month apart never had any probs and they still live together now. I don't know the s*x of one of them but I know the other one is a female because I get eggs occasionally.

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