
Can I put a non related minor on my employers healthe insurence?

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I have a 16 almost 17 y/o girl living with my family that was kicked out of her house last christmas and we have take her in a provied for her but i would like for her to be able to get medical care. is it even legal to put her on my employer's medical plan as a part of my family?




  1. The others are correct you have to have legal custody in order to place her on your insurance.

    She could purchase an individual policy but she would need her parents signature to do this.

    Since her parents would be legally responsible for her medical bills they should be willing to authorize an individual policy or sign over custody to you.

  2. As far as I know this is totally illegal.  Dependants must be your children.  Now, if you get temporary custody from her parent/s, this may be a different story.

    Back when I sold was  a no no and they would check SS#'s to verify.

    I would check with your employer and double check about the custody thing.....another idea would be to get her insurance thru the state.  You can get that free of charge for her at the dept of children and families in your local area.

    God Bless you for helping her.

    Darlene McDonald

  3. Only if you're legal guardian, or foster parent (legal foster parent) for her.

    But you should look at doing something legal ANYWAY - so the parents don't press kidnapping charges against you.

  4. You would have to ask your benefits specialist, but since sheis unrelated and not in your legal custody or adopted, I would think not. But maybe. I hope was kind of you to offer her a home.

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