
Can I put an energy saver florescent bulb in a chandelier?

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It normally takes a little chandelier incandescent bulb. My husband is going around changing out all our incandescents for florescents. Are there any safety issues? The bulbs he is using are 20 watts.




  1. Currently, the most popular version of CFLs on the market do not work with dimmers.  GE has come out in the recent months with CFLs that do work with dimmers however they are not widely available yet.  

    Assuming you do not have a dimable CFL you can’t put them in your chandelier if it is operated with a dimmer.  

  2. They now make the CFL lights for chandelier bases.  Mine are smaller sockets than regular incandescents, but I did find CFL lights in the shape and socket size I had in there.  The only problem is that the dimmer switch will not work with a CFL, it is either on or off.  

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