
Can I put my brand new black lulu lemon pants in with other white clothes ?

by  |  earlier

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Will it leak or anything like that ?




  1. Never wash your whites with anything but whites.So NOOOOOOOOOOO! Do not put htem together or you will be taking a chance of ruining your pants.

  2. Never wash black with white. Your whites will turn gray. Always separate your laundry - darks, lights, and whites.

  3. Well being that the pants are brand new, and you said they were black, then I suggest you wash them with the colored clothes so it won't leak, and ruin you whites.


  4. No, you risk ruining the white clothes.  I would take my black pants to the dry cleaner.

  5. That would be a BAD idea.

    Generally speaking, you want to avoid washing clothes of different colors with one another.  This rule can be fudged if your washer only uses a cold rinse, but even then you might get some leakage of color.

    To avoid ruining the colors of your clothes, try to sort your laundry into color-categories:

    *  Red/pink/orange/brown

    *  Blue/green

    *  Yellow/off-white/white

    *  Navy blue/black

    This way, any leakage will be very minimal, and won't affect the overall color of a garment.

    Mixing darker colors with lighter colors -- say, white underwear with t-shirts that are red or blue -- will only leave you with a weird, purple-pink mess.

    Also, your pants are BRAND NEW, which means they have A LOT of excess dye in them that'll definitely come out in the first wash.

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