
Can I put my pet rock on a leash? Will it die??

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My pet rock is so good




  1. Well if you're going to take it for a walk you should, must obey the leash laws mustn't we.  I wouldn't recommend leaving the leash on when you aren't holding the other end, you don't want it getting tangled up on something.  But I've never heard of a rock dieing because of a leash.

  2. I put my pet rock on a leash ALL the time, [her name is Pinky] and I got her a pink leash and a snug collar...sometimes she doesnt like it and throws up little pebbles... but she deals and becomes stone cold again =)

    but im sure your pet rockkk will be fine

  3. xD!!!!

    hahahaha THIS MADE MY DAY

    THANK YOU!!!

  4. You live up to your name "c**p"  How stupid can you get?

  5. Um...I'm guessing this is a joke.

  6. WHOLEY-c**p thanks ya never see funny things like that on yahoo answers. Thanks hurry make more jokes and spread your cometic talent! =D

  7. im pretty sure it will be fine. there are some leashed that will injure your pet rock. i would def go with the thinner ones because it will be much gentler.

  8. I hope not I put my pet rock named " BO BO the Clown" on a leash all the time.  He loves long walks on the beach and a cooling swim threw the ocean.  Be sure to tell me if putting them on a leash is bad.  I don't want to hurt BO BO.

  9. Idk, it might cut off it's circulation. I wouldn't just to be on the safe side.


  10. rotfl

  11. ITS A ROCK! Thanks for the laugh though

  12. everyone deletes my pet rock questions, why cant there just be a rock section under pets? seriously yahoo  where else can we put them?! well, ANYWAY, I had to get mine a harness because he chocked himself til he couldnt breathe, heres a pic see choked!

  13. LOL that rock looks like bacon for some reason

  14. Just make sure to put it in the shade with a cold bowl of tar nearby for it to drink.

  15. It seems cruel to put a leash on a wild animal, especially a wild animal as old as a rock would be. That is almost as cruel as finding a rock sunning itself on the beach just minding its own rock business and then throwing it way out into the water. It probably took that rock 5000 years to crawl up on the beach to sun itself and here you are throwing it back!

    If you must put a leash on your pet rock then at least use a breakaway collar so if it gets away and tangled in a bush or fence then it can at least break out of it so it doesn't get trapped.

    What I like to do it take my rock for a ride in my pocket. It seems to like the warmth and darkness and sometimes it nibbles on my thigh to tickle me. But once I took a couple rocks, rough garnets, right out of the wild from a garnet mine and put it in my pocket thinking it would do fine and they either had a fight or reproduced because when I went to take them out all that was it there was a lot of little garnet-lets!

  16. :D ahahahahahha!!!!!

    is this some sort of joke?!

  17. I put mine on a leash & when I tried to take him for a walk he broke loose and rolled away.


  18. I don't see why he/she would die. I take Sammy on walks all he time and he doesn't have a problem. Of course I don't know how old yours is. Just keep him in sight at all times when he is on the leash. Good luck.

    The link below is a picture of Sammy. He is still a baby.

  19. 1. Get a box with an open top and possibly front if your not afraid that your rock will run away.

    2. Some shredded paper or possibly even small animal bedding. (if you really wanna go all out and buy it cause your rock is a total snob.)

    3. Put the bedding material in the box and insert rock.

    Step 2 if your rock is happy you may move onto the next part. Feeding and clothing!

    1. Clothes are optional but i only suggest them wearing hats.

    2. They don't eat! hahahaha!

    Step 3 Now for the next step. Entertaining your rock.

    1. Rocks like being involved with many activites including watching T.V., jogging, or playing a videogames. Sometimes a rock might also like to paint, or watch a sunset breeze...

    2. Rocks are very dosile creatures and love doing many things with their owners.

    Step 4 Rocks are sometimes emotional and need love from their owners, whether it be holding them, giving them gifts, and to extremes...kissing them.

    I don't think your pet rock will die if you put it on a leash....better yet put up an invisible fence if your worried about the leash. Then all you have to worry about is the collar.

  20. No, just don't leave it on a leash unattended next to anything poisonous. Drain cleaner and Windex are big no-nos for rocks.

    But good luck walking your pet rock. They never seem willing to keep up with you.

  21. ahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha i fell of my chair laughing. thanks so much i was in a bad mood. you totally just made my day :D

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