
Can I put other fish in my tank?

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I have had a male betta for about a year. I would like to get some more fish in the tank but don't know what kind to get! please help!!! This is the aquarium I have:




  1. if anything 1 more can go in your tank and since most fish that can fit in a 2.5 gal tank like to be with their own kind in groups i would suggest an african dwarf frog even though they also would like to have another buddy frog to be with, but they should be ok by themselves.

  2. yeah u can :)

  3. i suppose u can, just 1

    but still u will have to upgrade ur tank into a bigger one some time in the future and if u think u cant get a bigger one soon then rather don't add any more fish it will get too congested if u do so.

    hope it helped  

  4. There are many fish that can be in the same tank as Betta's (male and female).  

    However, in a tank that small.  Keep what ya have.  Because the tank is small the room temp will dictate the temp of the water.  Bettas like it 75 degrees to 82 degrees or so.  So if your room temp gets any lower, think bout a small heater...most come preset to 78 degrees.

    I dont know if they make them for tanks this small...and if not just put a temp strip on the tank and try to keep it in the 70s and 80s.

    An African Dwarf Frog is all I would put in there.  They are easy to care for and a bit different to have.  In fact to put a AFD in a bigger tank (above 10 Gallons) you usually have to spot feed them just to make sure they get feed.  But in a small tank, easier for them to find it and not lose out do to fast feeders.

    Shrimp Ghost and such, but it is possible your Betta can eat it or them.

    BTW  Gourami and Betta are in the same family of fish...including Dwarf Gourami...and they will fight in close quarters....and in general.

    In a BIGGER tank...with lots of plant cover, it could be avoided.

    Best of Luck!

  5. I understand that you want to be careful to protect your betta and any new tankmates.

    You have a perfect environment for your betta. However, I agree that it's too small to add most of the compatible fish (mollies, cory cats, platies, rasboras, dwarf gouramis, tetras),  especially since some of these fish thrive in groups.  

    Instead, consider a couple of ghost shrimp! They're teeny, active, and see-through: a great contrast to your beautiful betta.  A perfect tankmate: they keep to themselves, and eat leftover food.( Both your betta and  ghost shrimp will enjoy an occasional treat of  dried bloodworms.)

    Ghost shrimp shed their exoskeleton every once in a while, so you'll want to prop a small shell or decoration in the bottom of your tank so the shrimp can find protection under it after it sheds.

    Wal-Mart usually sells ghost shrimp. They're very inexpensive.

    I wish you many more smiles as you care for your underwater pets.

  6. well, honesty a betta on its own really needs a 5g heated filtered tnak, and for tank mates, they need atleast a 10g heated filtered trnak. please upgrade or skip the tankmates .... =]

  7. I wouldn't add anything else to such a small tank.

  8. 2.5 gal....That's less than ten litres. I honestly wouldn't put anything else in there. Maybe one small bristlenose, or a small cory. At the absolute most. Unless you want to upgrade, I would leave your fighter on his own.  

  9. i suggest that you dont put any more fish in because the 2.5 tank wont be able to house any more fish

    if you want a snail or frog then the minimum you should get is a 5 gallon

    with only the betta and one of those

    tankmates depend on the temperament of the betta some are very aggressive so you should put them in by itself

    and make sure the fish you are putting in are not fin nippers

    if you want a nice tank with your betta and other fish you should get 10 gallon tank

    some bettas can be put with guppies and platies etc.

    but they can easily mistake them with other bettas

    try tetras or danios

    shrimp ex. cherry or shrimp


    african dwarf frog

    some types of catfish

    white cloud mountain minnows


    wild 'feeder' guppies

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