
Can I put self leveling concrete over wood sub flooring?

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I have a basement there for wood sub floors; but love the look of stained concrete floors. I was wondering if I can use self leveling concrete to cover the wood ( if so any idea how thick) and proceed with staining process.

any ideas would be great




  1. no, will not work. Wood floors constantly expand and contract, the self leveling concrete would detach and shale within days. Even the use of backer board will not hold the self leveling stuff, for it will be too thin, not affix to the backer board well enough, and will shale...bad idea all the way around. Goldwing

  2. Goldwings answer says all you need to hear, I agree with it

  3. Not without laying down concrete backer board first. The moisture in the leveler will warp the wood.

  4. Just remove the hard wood flooring.  There should be concrete under it, and you can stain it.

  5. Self leveling concret is made by Ardex and extremely expensive.  You really have to know what you are doing when pouring it, also a primer has to be used, you are asking for trouble, it will eventually crack over a wood floor that expands and contracts.

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