
Can I put semi-aggressive fish in a tank with only a few algae eaters and three schooling fish?

by Guest62532  |  earlier

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16 gallon tank, had it for about 4 years, The people at pet stores keep telling me that non-aggressive fish are the easiest to take care of, but honestly I'm more interested in the breeds that are under the semi-aggressive category. Is it really going to be THAT big of a deal?




  1. I had a 25 gallon tank with platys, mollies, sword-tails (both schooling) and a chinese algae eater. I introduced a pair of bleeding hearts with attitudes, and loved to pick on the platys, but the algae eater kept them in line. Whenever they attempted to bully a platy, the algae eater would attempt to attach himself onto them and end up chasing them . . . so I say sure. Just be cautious on what type of semi-aggressor it is. Also, when getting information from people at the stores, make sure they do know what they are talking about. I've come across staff who are clueless, yet are giving advice to the even more clueless beginners.

  2. It depends what the semi aggressive breeds are. Some pet shops I go into have bala sharks listed as semi aggressive fish and they are by no means even close. ( unless they are grown and then maybe might  eat smaller fish)

    You would do best to look up / learn about the fish you want.  Check out their temperment, living conditons and nature on your own rather than listen to pet store people. You then learn how to match fish and take care of them on your own, its really not that hard. A bigger tank is a must though if you plan to have more fish. 16 gallons is like you living in a shed as your home. This will also help in the ease of care because fights and huge water condition changes would be less likely to happen.

  3. i would not i try something kinda like that and i only have 1 fish no so i would not!!

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