
Can I put some pine branches in my gerbil cage ?

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I want to know that can I put some branches in my gerbils cage to climb on. And can I put pine branches or these branches are harmful.




  1. NO!!!

    do not put pine branches in your hamsters cage.

    they may poke and cut your hamster.

    that's is cruel.

    there are climbing toys at the pet store that you buy for your hammy.

    but do not  use pine branches .

    good luck!!!

  2. Definitly NOT! It will give your gerbil a really bad stomach ache and make him sick if he eats it.

  3. I wouldn't get any old branches from outside.  Your hamster might pull the bark off and eat it which can be dangerous if there are pesticides or bugs in/on it.  You can bake branches to kill bugs but it won't kill the pesticides.  Your best bet is to hit a pet store and buy a branch that's designed for animals.  Birds and reptiles usually have branches that are treated correctly and are safe for animals that you can use in your cage.  It can double as a chew toy as well as something for your little guy to climb on.

    "Complement the hamster's home gym and entertainment center with chewables such as a dog biscuit or pesticide-free twigs from beech trees, maples, willows, hazelnut bushes or fruit trees; these will also help keep the animal's incisors worn down."

    Hope that helps!

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