Recently, I was driving my mother to our family GP as she was suffering a migraine and therefore was in no fit state to drive. She passed out and hit her head on the dash board, which caused a gash on her forehead. Naturally, I pulled over, but the only place I had to pull over in safely was a bus zone. Now, I realise full well that I am not permitted to pull over in a bus zone and what I did was illegal (especially whilst on my provisional license- P1 license), but I was not thinking about that at the time, because I was obviously very worried about my mother. I was pulled into this zone for about 15 minutes, until an ambulance arrived after I contacted 000 because my mother became unconscious. During this time, a parking ranger must have driven by, because a few days later I received a parking fine of $243 and was informed I would have 2 deremit points taken off my license for the offence. I have 3 weeks remaining to pay my fine, but when I rang my local council, who issued the fine, early last week, they told me that I should not be attempting to worm my way out of my fine. I'm willing to pay this fine if I must, but I feel rather put out given the situation and the fact that it was a matter whereby I had no other option - I was hardly going to allow my mother to bleed as she was until I could find a suitable place to pull over. How should I explain this situation and would it be possible to present my mother's forms (from when she was checked into and discharged from hospital) as proof of my claims? I'm just rather distressed that I was all but called a liar and I don't want the same to happen to anyone else who might find themselves in the same situation in the future.