
Can I "make" my fiance grow a beard if I think it is required?

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He doesn't want one "for now" for professional reasons. But I think the rizq is from Allah, beard or no.




  1. uhh.


  2. wow !

    i hope some of those who say woman are oppressed in Islam read this question.

  3. There is no compulsion in religion. But it is possible to sport a professional looking beard so work on convincing him, not forcing.

  4. i agree with the other comments, but if your fiance loves you he wuld do it for you!!!!!!!! and if he looks better with one then you should tell him.. and if hes already a good muslim then he doesnt really need it..

  5. yes insha Allaah

    Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

    The beard (al-lahyah) is that which grows on the cheeks and chin, as was explained by the author of al-Qaamoos. It is obligatory to leave the hair that grows on the cheeks and chin, and not to shave it or cut it.

    May Allaah reform the affairs of all the Muslims.

    Fataawa Islamiyyah, 2/325.

    Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen said:

    The definition of the beard (al-lahyah) as stated by the scholars of the (Arabic) language is the hair of the face, jawbone and cheeks, in the sense that everything that grows on the cheeks, jawbone and chin is part of the beard. Removing any part of it also comes under the heading of sin, because the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Leave the beard alone” and “Let the beard grow.” This indicates that it is not permissible to remove any part of it, but the sin varies in degree; shaving is more serious than removing a part of it because it is a more extreme action and the one who shaves it more clearly goes against the command than the one who trims it.

    Fataawa Hammah, p. 36


    Just like otherwise: insha Allaah the husband can make the wife wear niqaab

    Sis, try to support him in a other job with maybe lower income but let following his faith trouggh the orders in the Qoraan and Sunnah. You can earn 10 but no barakat. Or you can earn 1 but earn barakat for it as 3. Food for one is food for three.


    @ Umm Abd AlHameed: when a man asked the "hand" of a wife to marry him through her mahram/ waliy, and she agrees with it, they are fiance of each other untill one decided to stop the marriage plans or the Aqd is been sign. The sister that have asked this question hasn't said she is alone with him, she has seen him, as i hope, only through islamic way, i.e. with the presence of her mahram. Beard makes for me the difference by outerlook muslim and non muslim. I think she thinks the same. Even if you would call it sunnah, we have a order to follow it, “Faith has seventy-odd – or sixty-odd – branches, the best of which is saying Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, and the least of which is removing something harmful from the road, and modesty is a branch of faith. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari (9) and Muslim (35).)

  6. if he wont grow it for the sake of Allah maybe he isnt for you- oh i forgot bank balance matters more than taqwa

    The people who say its only sunnah arent just wrong (its wajib) they just show lack of iman- its only sunnah indeed -subhanAllah-its "only" something done by the beloved of Allah (sallAllahu alayhi wasalam)

    would these peopel accept earning just enough to feed yourself? why do they go to excess over dunya but wont follow the sunnah?

  7. Salam for you. Yes rizqi or subsistence  of anyone is decided by Allah although we should try hard to search it ,because Allah would give it through our own effortIn the Qur'a n,Allah spoke that Allah will not change the fate of anyone who did not try hard to search it.

    I agree with your husband that he does not  want one now due to professional reason,because growing beard just only a sunnah(non mandatory) and maybe in his office they are rare who growing beard  

  8. are right....but dont force him if he doesn't wanna have it....its similar to how when a husband forces his wife to do something that she is not willing to do.....n muslim husbands are always looked down upon for this you dont wanna do something similar

  9. A beard is not required sis. It is Sunnah. And even though your husband would get great rewards for growing a beard, if he doesn't wish to at this time, you can't really force it upon him.  

  10. No, you can't "Make" him.

    It's up to him.

  11. If he doesnt want to grow one then u dont need to force him..

    It depends on him :)

    But you have the right to ask him to grow anyways :)

  12. No.  He may wear one if he pleases, and Allah, being a fiction, has no opinion on the matter.

  13. Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim

    Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah

    Well, no one can "force" him to do it, but you can give him naseehah, advice, and show him the many, many ahaadith that instruct men to leave their beards.  If he still refuses, then you have to consider if you want to marry a man who abandons this strong Sunnah.

    Of itself, the not wearing the beard thing might not be a marriage-buster, but it is an indication that he has a lack in his religious commitment.  Before you marry him, you should consider how he is fulfilling his obligations to Allah in other areas.  Does he pray? fast? give charity? have a halaal job?  Does he treat his family well?  Does he have the habit of continuing to learn about his Islam?  Does he value Islamic education and the learning of Qur'an?  Overall, does it seem that his reluctance to wear the beard is an isolated thing or does it show that his overall religious commitment is weak?  These are vital questions and it's best to ask now, even if you come up with an answer you don't like.  This man is supposed to be your partner for LIFE, and if he won't take your advice now and he prefers his own opinion to that of Allah and His Messenger, pbuh, this could have serious results in your marriage.  

    Also, there is no such thing as a "fiance" in Islam.  One is either married or not married.  At this time, if you have not done the actual marriage you are not mahram to each other and cannot be alone together.  Before marriage is the time when you should have your wali, guardian, check out this man to see if he is suitable.  Don't get "romantically" involved with him because it will make you overlook serious faults that you would never overlook in a man you didn't have feelings for.  The rules of Islam are there for your protection so stand behind the Qu'ran and Sunnah and don't try to be "Western" in your approach.  And Allah knows best.

    Fi Aman Allah,

    Nancy Umm Abdel Hamid

  14. Hmm I often wonder the same thing.. but there is after all, no compulsion in deen. Just pray for him that InshaAllah one day he realises the significance of it and grows one.

  15. It's no use if you force him. It's just a Sunnah, and doing it forcibly won't make him gain reward unless if he wants to and is really honest in the name of Allah.

  16. beard is not a compulsion in Islam according to Glorious Quran,,it is his choice,but nothing islamic about keeping beard

  17. yap..while he is sleeping..tie him up :P and then keep him like that for 10 days..provided you feed him :P

    that option you shud do only if he is not willing and u want him to do :P

  18. You can't force anyone to do ANYTHING. YOU simply have to help provide the informationfor him to make that choice...YOU"RE doing nothing to make the problem any easier...Don't force it upon him. If he feels the need to grown out his beard he will. But just talk to him about it and just discuss it with him...let time pass before forcing a decision as this one...

    * Hey GIRLE, Just give it Time...ITS OKAY!!!

  19. Salam,

    It's better for him if he did, the Prophet(PBUH) had one:).  Don't force it on him, talk to him about it and InshAllah he will grow one soon.  True, the rizq is from Allah sister, La Ilaha Ila Allah.

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