
Can I raise my gpa in my first two quarters of senior year? ?

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Hey guys. I slacked off through high school. But I want to apply to a good school. Im taking my ACTs in September and my second time taking the sat in October. My current high school GPA is 2.72 so is it possible that I can raise it to a 3.0 or a little bit off like a 2.9 if i get a

s through my first and second quarter of senior year? Most of the schools i want to apply require a 3.0 gpa like Savannah College of Art and Design and Drexel University. Thanks!




  1. If you take the same number of classes in senior year as you did the last three years, and get A's in all of them, you'll graduate with a (2.72*3+4)/4 = 3.04 GPA.  But then it's too late to apply to colleges.  By the end of your fall semester, you can have at best a (2.72*6+4)/7 = 2.90.

  2. You can take Honors and Advanced Placement Classes, they add extra points to your GPA.

    You can also retake classes you did bad on online! I don't know what state you live in, but in Florida we have Florida Virtual School [ ]. You can take as many classes as your counselor allows you to. It helps you complete missing credits or classes you want to retake. Its free if you live in Florida, but you have to pay if you don't.

    But the best way to raise you GPA is to talk to a respectable teacher or counselor on what you can do to raise it. I think you can raise your GPA to a 3.0, but you need to really work for it and do all that you can. Good luck!

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