
Can I re-list for free?

by  |  earlier

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I recently sold a GPS on ebay to an Israeli. I warned the buyer that the GPS did not come preloaded with a map of Israel and allowed him out of the deal. I would like to re-list the item, but I do not want have to pay to for it.




  1. Nope. Sorry.

    Gotta pay for any eBay listing.

    I wish you didn't have to, but there is no way around it.

    In reality, a normal eBay listing costs all of $2.00 max, so it's not THAT big a deal.

  2. email ebay.

  3. You have to start a non paying bidder process and when asked for the reason say that you both decided to withdraw from the transaction [there is an option to do this] Ebay will contact the buyer to confirm this is the case and if he agrees they will then refund your fees. If I remember correctly you will have to send 3 reminders to the buyer before you can start this process so contact the buyer and explain what you are doing and not to worry about the reminders etc...He won't receive a strike for this as it's a mutual withdrawal.

    Hope this helps.

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