
Can I really have my membranes stripped 3 times?!?

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I am 39w+5. I have have had two different doctors (I'm military) strip my membranes "a little bit" on two different occasions. I have another doctors appointment today to strip my membranes again! Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of it. I usually end up leaving with bleeding and cramping. Wouldn't it have worked by now? Is there a better alternative that actually works?

Help please!




  1. patience is a better alternative and it works trust me the baby will come if you just wait.

    I had my membranes stripped and it caused fetal distress and she passed meconium inside me, i didn't know and two days later she stopped moving altogether she was dying thru lack of oxygen the meconium was in the umbilical cord her lungs and even the placenta, she was delivered by emergency c-section needed resucitation and alot of extreme treatment afterbirth.

  2. Stripping the membranes is never guarantee to work. Especially if baby isnt ready to come out yet. The only other way is to be induced by pitocin (or any other drug they use). You might want to mention it to your doc since you are just about 40 wks. They might schedule you for induction next week. I plan on having my stripped tomorrow. Good luck to the both of us!!

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