
Can I recycle Starbucks cups?

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I go to a big university that has a huge recycling program. I drink coffee from starbucks and the campus coffee shops a lot, and I was wondering if these cups can be recycled. If so, what box do I put them in?




  1. you have a few choices...

    A. throw the cups in a paper/cardboard recycling bin

    B. if you take your cup back to starbucks they'll give you 10 cents off on on your next drink

    C. buy a thermos (it'll only cost you a few bucks at the store, or more if you get a starbucks thermos) then you won't use all those cups and you get the 10 cent discount. win-win-win.

    D. cut out the coffee. all the caffeine and sugar is very bad for you anyway.

  2. you can plant plants in them and give em out to strangers :D

  3. um they shoul dhave a recycling symbol on them if they can be...their a bit toughrer than styrophom, so idk,...

  4. yeah dude, they have the recycle sign on em, like i told someone else, look at what you buy, read what they say. By the way, cool on the 10cent thing, didn't know about that, it's not much, considering the big company, but at least they're sorta trying.  Great tips people, and yeah, I had recently started drinking starbucks and after I'd finish it, i'd always take it home on my way home, recycle the cardboard pieces separate from the plastic top, of course after just giving it a tiny little mini squish of water, to be kind, just a tiny bit, to get the coffee out. Speaking of getting money back on some things, places like some supermarkets may have like a 2cent off per bag used, whether it's paper/plastic! When I worked there, I used to inform people about it, almost no one new, because they never looked at what they bought or the things that were written on the bags or flyers.  And I always made sure people got their due when they did reuse!!!!! Anyways, thankyou all very much for the other tips! Great idea on the thermo, although, I haven't been drinking that much coffee anymore, don't want to get addicted and yellow blackish teeth after some time!!!! Plus, save some money and some unnecessary calories!

  5. I believe the cups themselves say they're recyclable, and you'd place them in the paper/cardboard bin.

  6. Better yet, buy one of their thermos type cups and get it refilled every day. This way, you will be contributing to source reduction and can reuse their thermos cup for years.

    They are better anyway because the tops close and they don't burn your hand and force you to get the extra cardboard piece.

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