
Can I recycle a spiral bound notebook?

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I have lots left over from school, not to mention a few day planners and agendas......can I recycle them?




  1. Great question, many people don't think about items that have more than one type of material. Don't forget about other hybrid items. If you have a binder that no longer functions, you can take the coating off and the metal rings, the cardboard can be recycled. The metal for the 3 ring binder and the spiral notebook should be recyclable, but I'm not sure how easy it will be to find a drop off place. has lots of recycle info and you can locate local recycle centers.

  2. take out the spiral,recycle the book,then use the spiral for those buncy shoes your working on

  3. turn them over and use the other side.

  4. You can just rip the spiral out of the notebook and recycle all of the papers. but not the spiral

  5. just the pappers i really respet people like you tring to save the world from globle warming

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