
Can I redo my W-4 form after I already started working?

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I am a student working at an ice cream store for the summer. I go to college full-time, and this is only a summer job. I make approximately $300 a week before taxes. I got my latest paycheck, $360, and they took away $60 for taxes. I was reading up online, and think I filled out my W-4 form wrong. I didn't claim anything, I just signed my signature there. (Stupid, I know). But if I already got a paycheck, can I ask my employer for a new form?

Thanks in advance!!




  1. Yes you can file a new W-4.  But no matter what you put on your W-4 they will take 7.65% for social security and medicare

  2. Pieces of good advice gathered from all the previous posts -- and more:

    You can download a new blank W-4 from, fill it out,  and submit it to your employer any time you want.  If you did not owe any income tax last year and do not expect to owe any this year (for instance, if $3,000 from your summer job is the only income you have for the year), then you should write "exempt" in line 7, rather than entering a specific number of withholding allowances.  In that case, you will have no federal income tax withheld -- although you will still have 7.65% taken out for Social Security and Medicare.  Depending on which state you are working in, you may be able to claim "exempt" for your state income tax withholding as well (e.g., I know you can do so here in NY by using Form IT-2104-E).

    Congratulations on getting a summer job!

  3. Yes, you can change your Form W-2 any time you want.

  4. You can download W-4 form from, fill it out according to its instructions, and give it to your employer. If you are single with one job and are a dependent, you would typically claim single/1.

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