
Can I rely on a HPT at this point?

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I had what could have been implantation bleeding but then I got my period on the 14th it was a day late and was not normal at all. I have been regular for 10+ years. My mom had AF for the first 5 months she was pregnant with me so I am not sure if I could still be pregnant. My question is at this point will a HPT show if I am or am I better off going to get a blood test?

Please no rude comments...I am a married adult. Just looking for people who have experienced this.




  1. If your period was on the 14th, a HPT would be accurate at this point.

  2. I would take a test now.  If it is positive then you're pregnant.  If it is negative I'd wait and see what happens the following month.  If you get another late strange period then try another HPT.  If that one is negative, then call your doctor and ask for a blood test so you can be sure.  That's what i would do if I was in your situation.

    Good luck!!!

  3. I would take a test and if it comes up positive I would see your GYN right away so they can set up blood test and an ultrasound to make sure all is okay, theytake all bleeding seriously even if it just implantation bleeding.  I had implantation bleeding with my first, but no bleeding with the second one.

  4. I just kind of had a similar situation. A pregnancy test is accurate now, but I got a bfn.

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