
Can I remove my own IUD?

by  |  earlier

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I hear all the horror stories. But I have also heard how simple and painless it it. Anyone done it before?




  1. nope, that's not a do it yourself project, it's a medical procedure.

  2. You do realize that it is IN your uterus? Can you birth your own baby by just reaching up in there and grabbing the foot dangling out your cervix? Hey--if you can do it-------I commend you. However, I seriously doubt it is a good idea. Taking that out is equal to aborting yourself with a coat hanger.

  3. Not a very good idea, see a doctor!

  4. only if youve got no friends

  5. That is a very very bad and painful idea!

  6. That's a REALLY bad idea. Definitely get your doctor to do it. It's only about as painful as having it put in.  

  7. no way.

  8. i feel u on this but go c ur doc

  9. I just would not attempt it because you may tear or bruise the opening of your cervix, leaving yourself open to infections. What happens if your attempting to remove the IUD and it gets stuck halfway?

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