
Can I replace my VCRs, with what, and not have cable.?

by  |  earlier

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I only have antena as my television viewing and a non HD tv, and use VCR to save shows to watch later. I want to replace my VCRs with TVO or something like that, without getting cable, or dish. And not really a believer in DVD as the way to record a show, I do not want to store the show, just watch and re-record something else. Again, a hard drive sounds like the best way. Can I do IT? And what device should I look for?

Walrus the Rod




  1. Media Center pc is another option.  Not monthly cost, just a little pricier.  Probably check out ebay for the best deals on them.

  2. A Tivo will work fine. The Series 2 units can record 2 channels at once, so you'll rarely have conflicts. TiVo has some great deals on these now - around $50 or so.

    Of course the downside is that you have to pay a monthly service charge, which runs $12.95 per month, less if you prepay a year or more in advance.

    The only exception I know of is the Toshiba SDH400, which had a free plan that downloaded only 3 or 4 days or schedule and didn't have things like Season Pass, etc. I don't know if you can still get them - maybe try eBay.

  3. just use a dvr

  4. Yes, a TiVo will do the trick. However, if you're in the US, whether or not you decide to the get TiVo, as long as you plan to receive your TV signal over the air past February 2008, you will need to get a digital converter box for each TV that gets an over-the-air signal. For a dual-tuner tivo, you would need two.

    You can apply for a government coupon to help subsidize the cost of the box and learn more information here:

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