
Can I report an accident I was in to my insurance without making a claim.?

by  |  earlier

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I was in an accident but I dont want to make a claim. But I want to make sure it's reported in case the person who was in it decides at a later date to make some unfounded claims. They said they were fine, and their bumper had minimal damage.




  1. yes I would report the accident, because later on the claimant might get involved in anothr accident and says you did more than you've done.

  2. Under your circumstance,I suggest here for you to have a visit.

  3. Go to your Police Department and fill out an accident report. This covers you in case the other person does it later and it makes you look suspicious.

  4. YES!  You can and you should do exactly that.  Congratulations on being wise and thinking ahead.

    Please don't listen to those who say don't report an accident simply because your rates MAY go up.  That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

  5. Yes, call and report the claim as records only.  You do want to protect yourself as you have noted.  The other party may claim injuries down the road.  You never know.  This happens ALL the time.  Just because you report a claim does not mean that your rates will go up.

  6. If you decide to settle the damage and pay out of your own pocket, the insurance company will NEVER touch it.  Talk to your insurance agency.  Once one penny changes hands between you, the insurance company considers the matters out of their hands.  They're not obligated to help you in ANY way.  That person can come back and sue you years down the road, and you'll have to take care of it yourself.  Best to just make the claim and have peace of mind that you're protected against frivolous lawsuits down the road.

  7. You dont have to make a claim if you dont want to.  If you can afford to pay for the damage (if it was your fault) then do that.

    Even if you tell your insurance company that you had an accident in the insured car but don't want to make a claim, they will still record the fact that you had an accident on their system and will bump up your premium the next time it is due.

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