
Can I report aol member for cussing me if they are a member of my group ?

by Guest33108  |  earlier

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I have several yahoo groups that I own and moderate this person joined back in Jan'08 I had to put this member on moderated emails becuase her posts are off topic, nothing to do with group. She gets mad becuase I wont approve her posts. I have explained why her posts arent allowed now she is calling me names, cursing ect, she is an aol member Tonight I removed her membership and banned her from my group. Is there anything else I can do ? She has threatened to report me to yahoo groups for emailing her explaining why her posts werent allowed. Any suggestions appreciated




  1. well, she's not a member any more. if you report them, all that will happen is they'll tell you to ignore them so why bother? if they report you, nothing will be done either. you didn't violate TOS by not approving posts.

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