
Can I report exe girlfriend for harassment???

by  |  earlier

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Telling people in the street I've beat her, done this, done that. ALL LIES.

Is there anything i can do to put a stop to it regarding the police?




  1. Nobody can stop her from running her mouth.  If she becomes physically harassing the police can step in, or if she makes threats towards you.  She hasn't done that, so no, the police won't bother getting involved.  They do have more important things to do.  

  2. I don't think the police can do anything, but you could probably sue her (thus putting a stop to it) because it sounds like defamation of character if you can prove it and have not been convicted of it before.

  3. If you are in the UK, Ignore the above 3 answers.  First all defamation of character is very complex ( very few solicitors specalize in this area) and very expensive, I am talking thousands, not worth pursuing.

    You could argue that her conduct is harrasment and contact the police, but in all honestly what will happen is that she may say that she was telling the truth, you actually did beat her etc.

    I would just try and ignore her and move on.  eventually she will move on and most people will get bored of hearing it.

  4. unfortunately the police wont give out harassment orders no more ( law changes) but you can go and see a solicitor and get an order with the power of arrest! you may need witnesses and you may have to sign a affidavit, but you can put a stop to her even if you sue her for slander or definition of character,go and see a solicitor the first half an hour is free and see what you can do.

  5. police wont  touch this, you would b wasting ur time. see a solicitor and ask them to write a warning letter. if this does not stop her u can get an injunction (if a threat 2 u) or she can then b charged with slander. hope this helps.

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