
Can I request a police dash cam video that was recorded of me getting pulled over and harrassed?

by  |  earlier

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It happened in calvert county md about 6 years ago




  1. you can but the first thing they are gonna say is "why did you wait 6 years?"

    usually those video cameras only keep enough information for no more than a week so chances are that video was erased a long time ago

  2. No. It is not your property. If you needed it for court, you should have requested it be shown.

  3. You can request it but you may not get it. In my state, we are only required to save them for 2.5 years.

  4. They won't be able to find  it or it'll be taped over. forget it

  5. Six years is a long time. I would be very surprised if a copy of that video still exists.

  6. You have no right to see it unless it is used in a prosecution.  However you could have filed a complaint and then it would have been reviewed by whoever investigated your complaint.  The window for complaints about the police is one year.  The law is that dash-cam video must be retained for 100 days (same as dispatch recordings) in most states.  So six years is a little much.

  7. yah i agree, and even if they have it they can make it very hard for you to get it at all. if it had been right after it probably would have been a lot easier to get it.

  8. you could have because it is considered public info. But 6yrs is to long they aren't required to hold them that long.

  9. You probably can but unfortunately it probably won't do any good.  I doubt they still have the video and if they do they probably will say they don't.  I'm sorry but proving the police wrong is a very hard thing to do.

  10. You can request anything.  Whether you get it is another thing.  Six years old??  Unless there is still litigation over the case, it's probably long gone.

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