
Can I return a giftcard??

by  |  earlier

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So for my birthday, I got alot of gift cards. I got 100 bucks in book store gift cards alone, and there is just no way I'm going to spend 100 bucks in a bookstore. So one of them came with a reciet. It was baught in Publix, and it's still attatched to it's original cardboard backing thing. Never been touched, except for when I had to open the card.

So since I have the reciet, can I go to Publix and return it, because i'm just curious as to why I got the reciet with the gift card. The gift card value is also printed on the gift card...

So, can I return it? If not, then are there any other "rebate" options? Getting cash back?





  1. I doubt you can return it at Publix. The receipt is proof a purchase and activation in case you have trouble using it.

  2. First learn how to spell 'baught' and 'reciet'....It's brought and receipt....Ever proof read what you type??  There's nothing wrong with having a gift card for books...Since spelling isn't your strong suit, you might consider using it to buy some spelling books.  I know this is going to get a thumbs down, but by golly, learn how to spell.

  3. You can't return gift cards but you do have options such as exchanging them for other gift cards that you may use or selling them for a percentage of the remaining balance.

    Take a look at Star Gift Card Exchange:

    Good luck!

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