
Can I ride a 13.2hh pony?

by  |  earlier

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I am 42.5 kg and Im 5'4. Im thinking about a pony thats 13.2hh and he sounds perfect and jumps like an absolute dream!! BUT im worried about height issues!!

can you help!

Am i too Big?

:) xxxx




  1. as long as the pony is healthy and has a good column of bone, you should be just fine. just dont overdo it; i'm assuming that you're a horse person, and know the boundries. just do me a favor: play Pretty Pony and girlify him just once for me! haha i've always wanted a cute little jumper pony! despite the fact that i have three big horsies that are more then capable of carrying my happy butt around! haha)

  2. you are not too big now but you will probably grow tooo big 4 him if i were you i would get a bigger pony or a horse.


  3. As in thinking about you mean buying? You'd be fine to ride a pony, but owning one wouldn't really be much fun for you. Seeing as you'll probably grow more height wise, and rider wise. If and when you do want to start jumping higher your pony isn't going to be able to make it. I really wouldn't buy a pony.

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