
Can I run on my Stress Fracture?

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At the beginning of my outdoor senior track season I was having problems with my left foot. It grew worse after a couple of weeks so I decided to just run the races and train when I could (when I couldn't I'd be on the bike) this was around march first. When the pain continued to bother me half way through the season I decided to get it checked out. I stopped running April 6th when I went to the orthopedist. A week later I went for a bone scan which reviled that I had a stress fracture. I went back to my orthopedist a week later and he scheduled me for a MRI on April 30th. I went back to the ortho a week later (May 7th) and he said the MRI conformed that I had a stress. I still haven't ran, I've rode the bike since April 6th. I just received my work out for college cross country. It starts Monday the 26th of May, should I start? I have an appointment to go back to the ortho on June 25th, but thats so far away and I haven't been doing anything for more then 6 weeks.




  1. NOO!

    thats the worst thing you could do.  you should get an approval from your doc first before you run.  i konw you want ot get back into it but its better off to be completely healed, wait for a bit longer and then start running, than running earlier and having to stop running again because your hurting your stress fracture.

    my friend keeps doing that and its really annoying because she's in and out and hasn't run for a complete season.  and STILL she has them.

  2. no, you could easily reinjure it and be out for much longer. better to wait. stress fractures can splinter outward like glass the more you aggravate it


    ii diid and my sh.t broke.

    iit was the champiionshiips and ii was liimpiing around school ALL DAY... ii told coach b4 the race and he told me to start warmiing up to run. ii guess he thought ii was tryna get out of the race but iim not that kiinda runner. ii enjoy runniingf!

    ii broke my tiibea.....

    ii have a rod iin iit to thiis day scars and all and ii STiiLL placed iin that race! HAHA to all the haters at that track meet and those that FiiNALLY beat me iin that one race bc iit wiill never happen agaiin...ii got 4th. :-) and ii stiill got a track and xc scholarshiip to go to college , full riide. and iive gotten faster...

    but to answer your questiion...

    do NOT run on a stress fracture...ull lose months of traiiniing and ull have to go thru rehab and all that....

    ii know...ii brok iit my seniior yr iin hiighschool.... off a race that diidnt requiire me to prove myself

  4. No, you can't. A stress fracture is very serious, and running with it could lead to never running again.

  5. no, don't run you don't want risk reinjuring yourself. see if u can move up ur appointment if not wait till  u see ortho. if things r well start the workouts. ur coach rather have an athlete thats health and little behind then injured and can't run. but the choice is urs. while you wait u can do other things to make u stronger runner.

  6. College athletics are important, but you have four years to achieve goals.  Stay on the bike.  Be safe.

    If not, wrap it really well.  Buy some Dr. Scholl's pads.

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