
Can I run wired internet and wireless on the same comp, for different tasks?

by  |  earlier

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I have 2 routers with 2 different isp addresses, and a wired nic card and a pci wireless card. I wanna know if I can set one internet connection for downloads and one just for searching, I'm just always timing out. I have comcast on both. I'm running windows xp professional service pack 2. any programs I need or ideas would be greatly appreciated. A link to how would be greatly appreciated 2.




  1. In theory you could do that, but it would be tricky setting it up.  You'd have to set custom routes on the PC.  Given the random nature of torrents and P2P connections, that may be nearly impossible to do since you'd need to know the IP addresses or subnets of each host you were connecting to.

    It would be one thing to configure a route for a single IP address (or a small block of them) to use one connection or the other and then let everything else use the default route.  Keep in mind that if you have 2 NICs you will probably have 2 default routes (destination and mask both  You'll need to delete the one that points to the IP of the interface that will be configured for the custom routes.

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