
Can I safely have these in my aquarium?

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So my aquarium is 54 litres.

Plants have been added on Saturday and tomorrow I'm getting a betta fish.

With him will be two sucker fish and five neon tetras.

Now the store that I'm getting them from has their bettas in tanks with other fish (including the tetras). So please none of that bull **** that bettas have to live alone in a cup.

I know that the neon tetras sometimes nip so I would like a suggestion of another fish with their slight coloration, that wouldn't try to hurt George.

If I find George already with a school of neon tetra then I'll probably buy them.

Anway, I was thinking about a dwarf frog also. But I'm not sure about having one or two or even having one is alright because of the size.

Thanks for the help!




  1. I had a beta fish in my tank as well. He lived happily with my angel fish seeing as the aggression levels are about the same. Angelfish with tetras however might be an issue.  But if you want beautiful fish to watch the angelfish are great and will get along!  

  2. Yes, bettas are best kept in solitude.  This is merely for the fact that they prefer to be alone and prefer small spaces.  With that set aside, you can certainly mix them with other fish.

    My tip to people when I help them pick it out is to choose something that is not very bright in color.  Color is a dominance thing.  The neon tetras are a great pairing, as well as others within the tetra family.  You can also try danios; they are small and are a good, schooling fish.

    An important thing to remember is the size of the tank.  Your "sucker" fish, I would assume, are most likely plecostomus.  They get quite large, and their growth isn't hindered by the size of the tank.  Make sure you dedicate enough swimming space to you tropical fish; unlike the betta, they like the extra volume to swim around in.

  3. The nippiness of tetras that people sometimes report can be remedied by keeping tetras in schools of at least 6.  From my calculations, your tank is about 14 gallons (I'm from the USA).  Make sure the sucker fish you have chosen don't grow too big.  Common plecos will be way too large for your tank, as well as chinese algae eaters.  Oto catfish should be fine.  If you keep one betta, 6 neons, and 2 oto cats (which grow to about 5 cm), your tank will be stocked to the max.  If you do decide to add a dwarf frog (which would overstock the tank), there is a chance it will eat your neons.  Frogs will eat, or try to eat anything they can fit in their mouths.  I'm sure the dwarf frog will be able to partially eat a neon when full grown.  

    Make sure you cycle your tank before you add a bunch of fish.  Also, do not add all of these fish at once!  I suggest adding the betta first (if your tank hasn't been cycled) and wait 8 weeks until you add the rest of the fish slowly.  The neons are very sensitive and require absolute perfect water in order to thrive.

  4. Your tank will need to be cycled before you add any fish.

    Betta's can live with other fish as long as they aren't crowded and the other fish don't in any way resemble another betta.  Tetra's are fine usually if they are kept in schools.  When they are alone they get nippy.  

    I wouldn't put any kind of sucker fish except oto's in that tank.  Most of them grow much too large and can become aggressive.  

    You'll also need a heater for your tank as betta's do best at temperatures around 80F.


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