
Can I safely swim in my pond?

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we have a one acre man made fishing pond on our property and I want to be able to swim in it. I'm wondering about bringing in sand on one end to make a swimming area. How can I make sure that it is not full of harmful bacteria though? There is no live stock or waterfoul in or around the pond. It is stocked with bream and bass.

2 seconds ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. I am finishing raising my 5th child and all of them have swam in ponds.  I figure if fish can live in it 24-7 it won't hurt for a human to get in it for an hour or 2.  If you're healthy I don't see a problem.

  2. if there is just bass and brim then you can swim in the pond! Just jump in, theres nothing in there that  will hurt you, believe me, my parents wouldnt get me a pool so i had to swim somewhere and i'm fine...hope this helps :)

  3. i wouldnt swim in it cuz leaches are all in ponds

  4. depends on the part of the country you are from....

    being a new yorker....and new englander....

    ponds like that were perfect for swimming...

    however, last year I read about kids swimming in a pond in texas and coming down with a life threatening bacteria...

    also, try to avoid putting in sand, or crushed stone etc....not only are you changing the are encouraging silt to bed there compared to floating on by....

    consider weeding it often with a rake....

  5. Check with your local extension office and maybe get some water samples, but you should be okay as long as there is a good ecosystem in place.  (Fish, plants)  There can be cases of toxic algae blooms so you need to have a healthy pond.  At one acre you should be fine.

  6. yes u can!!

  7. I would go to the Health Dept. and ask for a water testing kit or check on-line for a water test kit, just explain your situation too them and they should be able to hook you up with the proper test kit, if it were me I would not add any chemicals to the water as this may very well kill off your fish but, normally as a rule if there is fresh water flowing in and water flowing out I would think it to be safe.

  8. dont add sand to it, and DONT swallow the water whatever u do lol, otherwise your fine i would think.

  9. Pshhh we swim in ponds all the time.  Since it's not near livestock you should be fine.

  10. We had a dam in a stream in our farm when I was a kid, and we did swim there all the time.

    Yes, we had leaches, and when we went swimming we took scissors to remove them.

    We got a growth of saw grass in one corner and had to stay out of that area because it cut your skin.

    Algae all over the pond, a lot of folk  will avoid, but for a different reason... algae prevent the disinfecting effect of ultra-violet radiation, so that bacteria can persist there. In this case, even having livestock upstream a mile is not real protection. You need the ultraviolet to clean up the infections.

  11. That,s if you are able to swim.

  12. Violet, I would swim in your pond with no hesitation. It is no doubt cleaner than a crowded public swimming area than is on a lake. My only concern would be making it too attractive for any children in your area. I would keep a good fence around it with a locked gate and no trespassing signs all over it. You will get years of recreational fishing and swimming out of your pond. Enjoy your pond and remember that if livestock gain access to your pond it is not only bad for you but bad for the livestock as well.

  13. even if you stock it with just water the animals will come and they will bring eggs dont swim with your nipples they will nibble you and they will swim arround in your shorts they will peck at you all over your body put your mask on and feel them touch you it will make you happy i dont know if there finding food on me pecking at air or at freckels to bad your not my gal pal cause i would have already swam in it unless your dad is a boo hoo hoo about it

  14. Most kids in the past (including myself) swam in ponds...the problem is that people now do not have the resistance to bacteria that most rural people used to have. We swam in our pond...the only thing we worried about were snakes and snapping turtles. Your pond is probably no worse than swimming in a lake, but you might have the water tested if you are concerned.

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