
Can I save my Windows Movie Maker project on to memory stick?

by  |  earlier

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I don't have a DVD burner, but my brother does.

I worked on my project before, and when I opened it up on another computer, the pictures showed as big red Xs.

Is this because I deleted the imported pics from collections?

And if I re-do it, and keep the imported pics in collections, can I save on to memory sick and burn it on to DVD at my brother's?

Many thanks




  1. if it will fit, yes. make sure you get all the files associated with the project

    and maybe the reason things were showing as x's is because Movie Maker wasnt installed on that other computer - you would still be able to copy and burn the files, but not open them.

    **ed** Ive not used movie maker - but when you said "project" I would assume theres more than one file - if its one file, yeah just copy that..if there are more maybe find the folder that contains everything for the project and copy that

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