
Can I save my car??????????????????

by  |  earlier

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my car was totally submerged in muddy flood waters for two days, there is mud every? has anybody ever tried that.?




  1. What do you mean "where I live they don't have car insurance". Do you live on the moon or something? You are going to have mold and mildew problems, rust problems, I don't even know where to tell you to start.

  2. Mold and mildew are the least of your worries.  Mud everywhere - that can be cleaned up.  Most likely you have fried the entire electrical system of the car.  The cost of replacing everything probably isn't worth it...  

  3. i am sorry to hear this,i hope you are ok, i am not and expert on cars but this i found on the internet,

    maybe you should ask it in an other sections to get more answers

  4. Flood cars are almost never worth recovering.  You will have puddles of water and mud that collect in places you cannot clean out.  You will have to replace the entire interior.  All the on-board computers will be shot.  The wiring in the car is compromised and can fail at any time.  The guages are shot.  The fuel system is gone.

    Flood cars are salvage title for a reason

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