
Can I see anything with these arena seats?

by  |  earlier

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I bought tickets to see Madonna in concert in Novemer at the Oracle Arena, and I got these seats that are all the way on the corner side of the stage, i'm in the 17th row... above is a link of the seating chart and i circled what center i'll be sitting, does anyone know if I can actually see stuff? Hopefully I'm not hiden.





  1. Wow! At the New Orleans Arena and Superdome they ususally don't even sell those seats.  You'll be able to see, but how much is the question. I hope you like the left side of madonna's face. =)

  2. Is this the Oracle in Oakland? If so, you will see a whole lot of speakers and support beams.

  3. You will be able to see a small portion of the Stage.

    + people

    Nonetheless, you can SEE things.

    If I were to go to a show like that, I wouldn't buy seats like those.

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