
Can I sell my car and commute by bicycle/public transport effectively in Portland OR?

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I'm just finishing a PhD and looking into post docs at OHSU. Post docs pay notoriously low so I was thinking of selling my '94 Civic and getting around only by bicycle and public transport. I know Portland has a great cycling community with a strong infrastructure but how practical is it? Coming into work wet, smelly etc. would never be a good thing but I can see getting around it. Are their safe places to lock up a bike while in a bar or restaurant? Where would I live in the city that has transportation access and bike trails to everywhere? I'm coming from Glasgow Scotland so rain is no bother!

Thanks if anyone has some input.




  1. I too, live in Portland, OR. I used to commute by bike from the westside into SE Portland everyday. I'd ride my bike to the MAX station, ride it to downtown, then take the springwater corrider into work. I sold my car about 2 years ago, and have had no problems getting to where I need to go. You can take MAX or the bus anywhere in the 3 county area surrounding Portland. Most businesses will have bike racks to use. You can also get a bike locker for free (with a deposit) through tri-met. ( I would also look into shower facilities at OHSU. Is there a gym, or weight room there with shoer facilities? Your options are wide open as far as where to live, as any part of town would be easily accessible by bike. It just depends on how far you want to ride and what you are looking for in your housing. Good luck!

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