
Can I send invites to members of other groups?

by  |  earlier

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I own a group that is similar to some groups that I am a member of. I want to know if it is in any way against the terms of service to send invites for my group to members of other groups. Of course, the only way to do this is to look at the user ID of members, and copy and paste it into the invite box. According to one group owner, it -is- against terms of service, but I have not found anything in the terms of service that says I cannot send invites for my group to members of similar groups. Help?




  1. I think as long as the owner of the group is OK with it (or s/he doesn't report it) it is OK.

  2. I don't believe it's against TOS to do this, however it's some what thought of on the lines of spamming. you more than likely wont get members by sending invites to those already in the same topic group anyway.

    I'd ask the owner if you could post the new groups link to theri group- if they say no I wouldn't send any invites to their members

  3. you can do it until you get a complaint sent to the owner, then he will ban you from his group..

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