
Can I send marmite to australia and not bother the oz customs?

by Guest57438  |  earlier

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it's a gift for a ex-pat, who loves the stuff.




  1. why they got Vegemite which is practically the same

  2. No, and you can't take potted meat neither, my friend took some to Australia because they could'nt get it over there, customs confiscated it.

  3. Probably - you can always plead ignorance :-)

    And the UK Marmite is SOooooo much better than the stuff over there!  So don't blame you for trying.

  4. No absolutely not.It'll just get confiscated as they scan it all and foodstuffs aren't allowed in.

  5. We have Marmite, Vegemite and Promite.

    So why would you need to send it?

    "Not bother" with Australian customs is not the smartest thing to say or do.

    We don't have the Customs Service and AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service) just to stuff people around you know.

    They're there for a very good reason.

  6. no it will be destroyed and could get the recipient fined.

  7. You can send commercial food products like marmite to Australia, it must be in an unsealed condition and declared as food in a quarantine declaration.

  8. If the local shop was not closed (it's 9.55pm) I could walk there in 10 minutes or less and take the stuff off the shelf.  It has always been universally available here. And Promite.  And Bonox.  And Bovril.   And OXO cubes.

    People bringing undeclared stuff into Australia have cost people I know tens of thousands of dollars because of a disease of citrus trees.  It wiped out an industry in one part of Queensland.  The slime ball who did this retreated back to the Philippines and the government here has not had the evidence or the guts to demand his extradition.  Far worse in my estimation than importing a few kilos of hash.   Anyone who does this needs to be jailed for years.  And kicked up the bum as well.  With golf shoes on. There would be plenty lining up to do the kicking.

  9. marmite is widely available in Australia  though Vegemite is way better

  10. no, we only eat vegemite

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