
Can I send out this message to a friend in need?

by  |  earlier

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This is the reading in the word for today for Monday 25th August.

Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him,yet He didn't stop him.He could have summoned twelve legions of angels to help Him,yet He didn't call on them.Under the weight of our sins He cried from the cross,'My God why have you forsaken me?'That's because He understood it was all part of God's plan for Him.His words,'God where are you?'teach us that: a) you can be in God's plan,yet at times feel overwhelmed and alone b) when God doesn't answer,you must stand on the word He has given you c) the pain of this season will eventually give way to the joy God has awaiting you on the other side of it.So stick to the plan;that's what disciples do.The word 'disciple' means top be disciplined.It means sticking to the plan when you're under attack.It teaches you to function when you don't feel like it.The enemy will come against the plan of God in your life,because that plan is like a hedge of protection around you.As long as you stay in God's plan,nothing that the enemy does can destroy you.So when you feel you've like reached the end of your tether and can't go another step,do what Jesus did;pray,"Father into your hands commit my spirit".Give it to God! Look up and say, 'Lord I'm trusting You to do what I cannot do.Bring me through this.Here it is;I'm turning it over to You.My life,my future,and my all are in your hands.

Get well soon friend.




  1. eck it was a very nice thought meant for someone who is going through a tough time..just ignore the people who think they are funny..i just hope they never have to go through anything bad in their lives...very nice gesture x

  2. why don't you go to the Bible section with this, we're interested in football here, no religion

  3. are you talking about that judas kenny miller ?

  4. isnt this skittery shiet for dot cotton,  tell yer pal to go see the quack can we get back to FOOTBALL questions and answers and slaggin old firm rivals, not morbid bible thumping hogwash  CHAT! email yer pals if ye need to support them and gies peace, there are hunners of pishy messages here. it is not a chat forum go onto bebo


  5. wit aload a kiehk huv ye bin smokin wae edgar davids

  6. I hope it helps your friend is a very nice gesture.

    we all know someone who could benefit from a thought ot two..and although they don't let us know on here..doesn't mean we should forget that some of us need a prayer x

    I hope this prayer helps others too Eck as there are people with problems all around us


  8. all this shite is false and fake!

    the person wants no one to know who they are except certain  people and probably would just like a nice PRIVATE email from them not all this shite!

  9. You been drinking with Mike McCurry, eh Eck?

    Stick with the football chat. Oh and I have it on very good authority, that God is a Celtic supporter. Brouhaha!!!!

  10. Eck you've already sent it

      God bless

    so many bampots who've got no respect for life


  11. ffs ,this is a fitba section, get a grip

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