
Can I send poor children (in places such as Africa) toys, etc, via charities?

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I want to donate my old toys to less priviledged kids, and i was wondering if there was any way I could do this? Thanks




  1. Those children need FOOD, not toys.  A child whose stomach HURTS because it is so hungry, would rather eat than play.  Donate your toys to a local daycare or a doctor's office or have a yard sale and donate the money you make to the Red Cross or the Salvation Army or Save the Children's Fund or whatever to get them food.

  2. Try local may need to call around, but it is the better charities......

    Also, Red Cross also supplies toys.

    What about keeping it local......we send so much abroad but barely think of our own

  3. best to pick a local women's shelter or family homeless shelter, since shipping costs to africa are a lot.

  4. You can call your town hall and see if they know of a place where you can donate to other countires, but you always have a GOODWILL or some major shopping places like Stop and Shop have BINS that you can put clothes, toys, ect into so they can be donated

  5. im sure there not sure if u can send them to africa but toys for tots...

    i definetely admire u for caring about othr ppl

  6. Great idea especially because in Africa they would much rather play with toys than actually have food to eat!

    If you want to donate toys try donating to the children here in America

  7. usually if your hospital has a kids truama center they take donations like that its for kids to cope with physical and sexual abuse or other truamatic stuff

  8. i remember at skool we used to do somtin like that at christmas

    srry but i dont remember wat its called

  9. Yes take your toys to TOYS For TOTS it is a program run by the United States Marine Corps. They distribute toys to less fortunate ate kids everywhere.

  10. This is so kind of you to do. The Kiwanis motto is "serving the Children of the World."  That would be a good place to start.  I know of a Kiwanis Club that sponsors an orphanage. Please email me for more information.

  11. you could send like gift boxes full of toys, toothpaste, soap, hygienic supplies in general,  its called a life package i think... get together with your friends and put that stuff in a box and send it to the salvation army and i think they will offer you to send it to  less-privilage kids

  12. sufi is right , keep the help here , and then we'll do what we can for them later

  13. if you call one of those like church organization that send things like that to them. or hospitals are constanley sending out things to soldiers and kids in places such as guatamala and africa so check your nearest hospital and ask. :) thank u for being so kind and generous to these kids in need. :)

  14. just get a charety to give them money and food by you donating money. they dont need toys. no effense, what they need to 2 be properly nourished. you would b helping WAYYYY more by donating some money to organizations that feed the children

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