
Can I serve red velvet cake at my daughter's 1st birthday party?

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My daughter’s first birthday party is Oct 4 and I am already planning it. I am celebrating the fact that we made it through the first year so it’s as much for me as it is for her. The thing is, she hasn’t had sugar yet so what I’d like to do have a mini birthday cake for her made of carrot cake, which is probably the healthiest cake out there (if there is a such thing) and have red velvet (because that’s MY fave) for the others. My question is do kids eat red velvet? The guest list is 6 years old and under. Will they pick it at or do kids even care? Should I just serve regular buttercream to them?




  1. You could do one cake red velvet for adults and do regular cupcakes for the kids!

  2. my daughter never had much sugar either, but i let her into it on her birthday. the sugar buzz that followed was PRICELESS and she settled down and slept just fine that night.

    as for the red velvet cake, i say GO FOR IT!!! kids don't care what it looks like, as long as it's sweet :) if it's presented in a fun way, they won't think twice before biting into it!!!

    and remember: it's your daughter's birthday, which means it's about HER and EVERYONE who loves her. that's why we throw parties and celebrate with loved ones--because everyone loves to celebrate a birthday. it's a day to have fun, be carefree, eat lots of cake, and dote on the birthday girl

  3. I'd stick with a regular cake (chocolate or white) for the kids. I LOVE red velvet cake but it is an acquired taste and the kids won't appreciate it.

  4. serve buttercream and red usually like most stuff thats sweet.

  5. ",,,so it’s as much for me as it is for her."

    Well, considering it is your daughters first birthday, it should ALL be for her, imo.

    It's a first birthday that is going to have young kids, have a fun cake, red velvet cake sounds a little grown up and maybe boring for the young ones.

  6. i'd just serve a regular buttercream or vanilla cake to them with loads of icing, thats what most kids want, but to be honest, they'll eat a small slice,or just pick the icing off or l**k the cream out the middle and then leave it and not be bothered lol.

  7. I'd stick with buttercream.

    Your celebrating the fact that you made it though the first year rather than make it all about your daughters birthday?

  8. By all means, go ahead with your plans and serve red velvet cake.  The kids will think it looks fascinating, since they seldom see it.  Put a scoop of ice cream on the plate with it, serve something to drink, and they'll be fine.

    The "trick" here is to act nonchalant about it.  Just say that it's a fancy form of chocolate (which it is) and let it go.  If one of them says "I don't like red cake" say "well, you can just leave it"--someone would say that if you served white cake, yellow cake, devil's food, or angel food!  That's just kids.  Think of all the different kids of candy they eat--do the colors really matter?  Not at all.

    And while you're at it, give some to your daughter as well...why should she be left out?  At one year of age, her little system is well-able to handle a little treat once in a while.

    Congratulations on making it through!

  9. I'm just wondering why would you want her to eat carrot cake on her birthday unless she has a real problem with sugar, its not such a big deal if she gets a little hyper for her birthday.

    Try having a regular white cake with buttercream for the kids and a red velvet topper (small round cake) for the grown ups.

  10. Tell them it'll make their tongues red and they'll love it. Have fun and let us know how it worked out!

  11. Heck yes you should have red velvet cake! Its delicious. The kids will eat it, and if they don't, oh well, more for you! JK! But yeah your idea sounds fine. Just remember red velvet cake can be messy and stain.

  12. well id say you can look it up or ask or even contact the makers of the cake company that makes it i mean kids might not like carrot cake as its maybe yucky to them so maybe you can buy just a nice looking regualr cake and if parents are coming aswell the could have the velvet cake instead of a kid cake or use the velvet cake as a party favor in a party bag for the kids

    My bday is also 4th otober yaa

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