
Can I shave off .5 seconds in a sprint in 2 weeks?

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I just got my personal best today at my meet in the 200 dash - 24.3 seconds, and i feel disappointed. I am the second fastest person on my team and I have always wanted to do well. I want to make it to sections in the 200 dash and i can with this time, but I want a better time for it. If i make it, i want to make it with a really good competing time. So is there any way to knock off .5 seconds in 2 weeks?




  1. definatly. train your quads and calf/calve ? muscles. quads keep you running, quads are what help you take off .

    .5? thatll be a peice of cake..

  2. You could knock off alot of your time with a perfect start and maybe work out some areas where you can improve.

  3. ya sure you can do it. first you need to stretch, for every inch you gain in your stride you shave off one tenth of a second in your time. i think thats what it is but it might be more. dont try and make your strides super long, just run natural. practice doing suicides on basketball court or on your football field,and work out your leggs. not to much though cuz you dont want to get really sore. this helped me a lot. in the 40 yard dash i went from a 5.3 to a 4.8    good luck...

  4. First off our team does tapering. We kill ourselves or get killed by our coach during march and early april. Weightlifting through meets. Then do almost nothing for 1 and 1/2 weeks prior to conference for f/s (me) and sectionals for varsity. Before starting the taper I had a huge PR of 24.9 from 25.6 as a soph (yeah I know not great) then just one week later barely into the taper jumped to 23.9 so yes its 100% possible but its largely to do with your training.

    The best you can do now is

    Right now-

    - Train hard for a couple days

    One week prior-

    - No weightlifting. Its takes time for your muscles to fully recover.

    - No overly intense workouts and decrease intensity as you closer.

    - When you do work out. Do build ups. Grassruns

    - Stop workouts all together 1 or 2 days before but still do quickness exercises and a short jog.

    Your mind set-

    Its important. My coach had a guy who passed 5 teams to win state (overall) in the last 120m of the 4x400 when everyone thought they were going for third place . He was at a bare minimum 40ft back. Moral of the story - don't set barriers in your mind.

  5. Yes, you can definitely do that. What you should do is do lots of sit ups and push ups and hip stretches. Focus on quickening your turnover while running, and move your arms more.

  6. That will be hard especially because it's a short distance...I suggest you train by sprinting up hills.  When you sprint up a hill that will build muscles and help you improve on your 200m.  Many Olympians will train by sprinting up hills.  You probably won't enjoy it but trust me its worth it.

  7. yeah i rekon you can do it. practise your take off, thats probably the hardest to do by getting off quicker. and practice practice practice. ahh the days of sprinting, love it!!

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