
Can I show my horse ???

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Anyways i go to a non trainining facility meaning that there are no shows there. I do take dressage lessons, but my trainer isnt in to the whole show idea. She is a fantastic trainer and i wouldnt go another place to be trained. my horse is boarded at this ranch because it is the best place for him in my area ( i have to think about my horses facilities before my own, or else i would be at a training show facility)

Anyways how do i get into showing basic classes with my horse if there are no shows at the ranch i go to. My dream is to show my horse.

How can i show my horse?

Where do i look for shows at?

any websites?

Is it possible to show my horse?

advice or comments?

thanks everyone! my horse and i are finally getting good enough to think about going to small local shows.




  1. why would your trainer want to train horses for dressage if she isnt going to show in dressage!? that makes no sense..

    also getting into 4H isnt abnormal at 16. i am 16 and we have a ton of people in 4H up to 20 i think... once they are too old they still come back to see everyone. its a really good way to meet other people who ride and learn about shows!

  2. It's definitely possible.  Ask at your local tack store - Do they have a bulletin board?  Is there a free publication or website which lists local shows?  Is there a local dressage organization?  Where I live, it's easy to find this kind of info, from a free advertiser magazine, websites, organizations, etc.  Your next issue would be how are you going to get there?  You can probably hire someone to trailer you there.

    If you're going to join a youth organization, join Pony Club, if you're more of a dressage or eventing rider (  You're not too old - you can stay in until you're 25 now.  I didn't join until I was 14 and stayed in until I was 21.

  3. 4-H shows are actually a very good place to start.  You dont have to be a 4-H member to show in one of their shows (at least where I am from).  They tend to be smaller, less hectic shows.  After taking a 5 year break from showing I was glad that with my new horse I chose a 4-H as our first trip into the ring rather than a rated show.  Much less stressful! However, if you are set against 4-H, your next best bet would be to find some schooling shows.  They are very relaxed, and like the title suggests are schooling friendly. The schooling series that I used to do years ago, at the line up the judge would go and talk to each rider and critique their ride.  Very helpful.  As far as finding them, check out feed stores/tack stores for fliers, or talk to staff about upcoming events.  Horse people usually know where the good stuff is going down.  I know where I am located on the east coast, we have a free monthy publication called the Steed Read ( which has tons of shows and other events listed in it, so you can see if you have anything like that in your area. You can also call around to other barns in your area, many hosts show series themselves.  Good luck!

  4. Even if your trainer isnt into the whole show idea I would ask her if she knows of any showing facilities in the area. I would also check your local tack stores for any information on shows. You could also try google.....Good luck:)

  5. first off in 4-h there are plenty of older kids. in my group the are at least 10 girls who are at least 16. so you wouldn't be out of place.

      as for showing go to your local feed store, they  ormally have papers on ocal show or open 4-h shows were you don't have to be a member to show. or check your local horse paper like horse and pony or the horses mouth. these usually have shows and other events like show clinics and other thing.

  6. People of all ages can be in 4-H; there are lots of older teenagers at my barn that are in 4-H and some adults too. I will be showing my gelding at the fair next year and it's going to be lots of fun. I think 4-H is the way to go!

  7. I would look for a local 4-H group to join. Or if your horse is registered with a horse association, you can show there. If he isn't registered, look for a 4-H group. You can check with your 4-H extension office to see if there is one you are interested in joining.

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