
Can I sleep on my stomach?

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I'm 19 weeks pregnant and sometimes I feel very uncomfortable sleeping unless I sleep on my stomach or back, but I don't want to hurt the baby. Mentally I know that he may have enough space but i'm not really sure. Is it safe to sleep on my stomach at 19 weeks and when should I stop?




  1. Yup, if you can still comfortably sleep on your tummy, go for it! =]

    <-- I slept on my tummy a lot with him! Until I started looking like a turtle turned upside down and could no longer sleep on my tummy and still look normal =]

  2. I hurt the h**l outta me

  3. I am not sure about the tummy but my OB advised against sleeping on my back as the extra weight on the front puts extra pessure on your back and could cause back pain (And you know what - i didn't listen and spent two weeks at home sitting (could not lie down, stand up, walk... and many visits to a physio!!)

  4. Yes it is fine.I slept on my tummy,back,side-whatever was comfy that night..Whatever works for ya.Congratulations on your upcoming addition..

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