
Can I sponsor a specific Yahoo Group with Ads promoting my business?

by  |  earlier

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I would like to promote my business by advertising on a specific Yahoo Group list. I can not find anything on if this is possible and how to do it although I do wee ads in the footer of Yahoo Group emails.





  1. You could put the HTML codes with youir link and logo in the Cover Page  welcome message  of the group if you own the group or the owner agrees to do it for you.

  2. again, read TOS- what Yahoo does is what Yahoo does, they own it. those ads are their sponsers which makes yahoo happen.

    you can not. all it takes is one person scrolling upon it and a complaint, any group will be deleted- going through e-mail would be considered spam as well. also, if you're not the owner but a member, you'll be booted from the group if they have rules not to accept such things

    read Yahoo TOS

    you can not do this

    6. You may not use Yahoo! Groups for commercial or advertising purposes"

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